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PWR-BGA12V50W0WW - Zebra TC26-HC

PWR-BGA12V50W0WW - Zebra TC26-HC Accessory

Level VI AC/DC Power Supply Brick. AC Input: 100-240V, 2.4A. DC Output: 12V, 4.16A, 50W. Requires: DC Line Cord and Country Specific AC Grounded Line Cord
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PWR-BGA12V50W0WW - Zebra TC26-HC Authorized Partner
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The Zebra TC26-HC Mobile Computer with 1D & 2D barcode scan capability options is tailored for the healthcare sector, blending affordability with critical functionalities for clinical and non-clinical staff. The TC26-HC is manufactured with a disinfectant-ready design, made with chemical-resistant plastics and minimal crevices to prevent bacterial growth. The flexibility of the TC26-HC is endless - offering both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi/cellular options, a large 5-inch HD touchscreen and is designed for all conditions, virtually waterproof, dustproof, and can withstand drops. A unique healthcare Alert button allows quick emergency notifications. The TC26-HC supports seamless barcode scanning for patient care tasks, with optional high-resolution cameras for documentation.
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